You'll get a ton of value from today's brand new article.
3 Nutrition Tricks that Target Your Trouble Spots
by Bruce and Janet Krahn.........
Trouble Spot Training & Nutrition Experts
Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #1: Cycle Your Calories
(STOP eating the SAME amount of calories every day)
It's no secret that in order to lose fat your body needs to be in a calorie deficit each day (burning off more calories than you're consuming).
body requires a calorie surplus (taking in more than you're burning off)
However, eating the same amount of calories day in and day out when trying to lose fat can quickly result in adaptations, making it impossible to lose weight... OR gain muscle.
The solution is to "cycle" your calories. For example:
- Weight Training Days = Calorie Surplus (12-15 x Lean Body Mass)
- Cardio or Diet Days = Calorie Deficit (8-10 x Lean Body Mass)
This will keep your thyroid activity (T4-T3 conversion) efficient and leptin sensitivity high – all while helping you maintain the proper estrogen to testosterone ratio necessary for fat loss and muscle gains.
Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #2: Cycle Your Macronutrients (STOP eating the SAME amount of carbs, proteins, and fats every day).
All calories are NOT created equal.
Proteins, fats and carbs are all metabolized differently by the body and each produces a unique hormonal response..Especially when it comes to the hormone insulin.
IMPORTANT: Some people are more "sensitive" to the actions of insulin, while some are more "resistant".
When this is done the right way it can make your body become more insulin sensitive, resulting in greater fat loss and more lean, calorie burning muscle – especially in stubborn body parts.
Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #3: Cycle Your Food Choices
(STOP eating the SAME types of foods every day)
Food allergies are extremely common these days.
Eating foods which you are allergic to can increase levels of inflammation causing your adrenal glands to secrete more cortisol.
This in turn increases insulin and blood sugar levels causing your body to hold on to and deposit fat, rather than allowing you to access your stubborn fat for energy.
The best way for you to avoid developing food allergies is to rotate your food selections.
A few tips that will help is to avoid eating the same types of proteins back-to-back, while reducing or eliminating wheat and dairy – the two most common food allergens.
There you have it!
3 nutrition tricks that are specifically designed to help you burn off and target stubborn fat from areas of your body that just don't seem to budge.
Now it's just a matter of getting your workouts working in synergy with these methods, so you can finally see some changes in your WORST problem areas and trouble spots. get the training here