Sunday, 19 February 2017

Food Cycling Tricks for a Flatter Belly

If you're one of those people who has specific parts of your body that continue to hold onto stubborn fat, or NEVER seem to respond no matter how hard you diet,or exercise...

You'll get a ton of value from today's brand new article.

3 Nutrition Tricks that Target Your Trouble Spots
by Bruce and Janet Krahn.........
Trouble Spot Training & Nutrition Experts

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #1: Cycle Your Calories
(STOP eating the SAME amount of calories every day)

It's no secret that in order to lose fat your body needs to be in a calorie deficit each day (burning off more calories than you're consuming).

Conversely, in order to build muscle your
body requires a calorie surplus (taking in more than you're burning off)

However, eating the same amount of calories day in and day out when trying to lose fat can quickly result in adaptations, making it impossible to lose weight... OR gain muscle.

The solution is to "cycle" your calories. For example:

- Weight Training Days = Calorie Surplus (12-15 x Lean Body Mass)
- Cardio or Diet Days = Calorie Deficit (8-10 x Lean Body Mass)

This will keep your thyroid activity (T4-T3 conversion) efficient and leptin sensitivity high – all while helping you maintain the proper estrogen to testosterone ratio necessary for fat loss and muscle gains.

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #2: Cycle Your Macronutrients (STOP eating the SAME amount of carbs, proteins, and fats every day).

All calories are NOT created equal.

Proteins, fats and carbs are all metabolized differently by the body and each produces a unique hormonal response..Especially when it comes to the hormone insulin.

IMPORTANT: Some people are more "sensitive" to the actions of insulin, while some are more "resistant".

If you have stubborn fat areas or trouble spots that won't budge no matter how hard you try, you are likely insulin resistant, which means you would benefit greatly from replacing your "healthy" carbs such as rice and potatoes with healthy fats.

When this is done the right way it can make your body become more insulin sensitive, resulting in greater fat loss and more lean, calorie burning muscle – especially in stubborn body parts.

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #3: Cycle Your Food Choices

(STOP eating the SAME types of foods every day)

Food allergies are extremely common these days.

Eating foods which you are allergic to can increase levels of inflammation causing your adrenal glands to secrete more cortisol.

This in turn increases insulin and blood sugar levels causing your body to hold on to and deposit fat, rather than allowing you to access your stubborn fat for energy.

The best way for you to avoid developing food allergies is to rotate your food selections.

A few tips that will help is to avoid eating the same types of proteins back-to-back, while reducing or eliminating wheat and dairy – the two most common food allergens.

There you have it!

3 nutrition tricks that are specifically designed to help you burn off and target stubborn fat from areas of your body that just don't seem to budge.

Now it's just a matter of getting your workouts working in synergy with these methods, so you can finally see some changes in your WORST problem areas and trouble spots. get the training here

Saturday, 11 February 2017

4 Ways to STOP Estrogen Related Fat Storage

Ever notice over the years how certain parts of your body will lean out and develop incredibly fast, while other body parts NEVER seem to change no matter how hard you exercise or diet?

What if I told you it was because there is very high likelihood that it's because you may be suffering from something called Estrogen Dominance.

Symptoms include decreased libido, sluggish metabolism, and insomnia.

But the most common side effect of Estrogen Dominance is excess fat storage in your most stubborn spots, like the abdominal / belly and lower body region (butt, hips and legs).

Here are 4 easy steps you can take, starting today, that will help you STOP estrogen related fat storage and lose more fat from your biggest problem areas:

 STOP Estrogen Related Fat Storage (4 simple steps)

You'll also discover a simple test you can take on yourself for Methylation, which helps your body process toxins and hormones, including the breakdown and removal of fat storing estrogen.

In order for optimal estrogen metabolism to occur, your body needs to efficiently methylate.

But for many individuals there is a genetic problem affecting this process called MTHFR.

How do you know if you have this problem?


Take the simple test found inside this brand new article on the next page:

Friday, 10 February 2017

Discover never before heard of strategies to build muscle and burn fat in your biggest problem areas..

Revealed: 3 Unknown Exercise Methods That FORCE Your Most Stubborn Body Parts To Respond

Have you ever wondered why certain parts of your body will lean out or develop muscle incredibly fast, while other body parts NEVER seem to change no matter how hard you diet or exercise?

Have you ever spent weeks, even years slaving away at a stubborn body part wondering if you'll EVER see a change?

The truth is you are not alone. It's a problem for EVERY person looking to build muscle or burn fat in their biggest problem areas.

But it's honestly NOT your fault. Burning fat and gaining muscle all over your body is desirable, but it's NEVER going to help you bust through a trouble spot plateau or transform your weakest, most embarrassing body parts.

Just follow the 3 unique exercise methods below and you'll literally FORCE your most stubborn body parts to respond.

It's that simple.

Here they are...

3 Simple Ways to Automatically Transform Your Stubborn Body Parts...

Discover the Perfect Solution For Transforming Your Arms, Chest, Shoulders, Glutes – Or Any Other Body Parts That Refuse To Respond!

Method #1: Progressive Tension Overload (use "iso-tension" incremental pauses to increase muscle size)

Just take a look around your local gym or health club.

You'll instantly notice most people have NO control of the weights they're lifting, and they pay ZERO attention to detail on maximizing tension in their target muscle group.

This is why Progressive Tension Overload (PTO) is absolutely critical in order for you to stimulate adequate muscle growth in your stubborn body parts.

Simply put: Without Progressive Tension Overload (PTO) it's impossible to make your genetically weak areas respond properly. But it's rarely applied and this is the BIGGEST mistake people make when trying to gain muscle.

Almost everybody knows that in order to gain muscle in your weakest body parts (or any area of your body), you have to lift heavy weights in the 5-8 rep range, while you progressively increase the amount of weight you lift. But many times it's impossible to go heavier without losing form or possibly getting injured.

The Solution? The PTO "Iso-Tension" technique using incremental pauses in the mid-range portion of your reps. So instead of using heavier weights, use Iso-Tension pauses in the mid-range of your reps.

Start with a 1 second pause in the mid-range on the very first rep, then increase the mid-range pause by an additional second on each additional rep. By the time you hit your 5th rep, you'll be pausing for a total of 5 seconds mid-range of each rep.

I show you how to use on the next page...

Method #2: Cumulative Fatigue (increase muscle specific intensity and density to make your problem areas respond)

Another element you MUST have in place to develop a weak, non-responding body part (in addition to proper muscular tension and recruitment) is Cumulative Fatigue.

The easiest way to achieve this goal is to increase the training volume and amount of work performed for the specific targeted "trouble spot"

Here are 2 simple Trouble Spot Training methods you can use to accomplish this goal:

1.  Muscle Specific High Intensity: All of the so called "high intensity" workouts that are popular today are great for increasing your metabolic rate and accelerating your calorie burn. But they'll NEVER change the way your worst problem areas look.

But when you discover how to directly apply Muscle Specific High Intensity to your trouble spots, you'll explode your muscle growth!

2. Trouble Spot Density Training: Using pre and post exhaust supersets, double contraction methods, strip sets, and other rarely talked about methods will stimulate muscle fibers (you never even knew you had) totally changing the way your problems areas look once and for all.

And this is really just the tip of the iceberg. There are 29 more super effective techniques that you can use to transform your weak and embarrassing body parts on the next page.....

Method #3: High Frequency Training (the secret professional boxers, cyclists, and swimmers use to transform a trouble spot)

one of the BIGGEST MYTHS for gaining muscle in genetically weak areas is that you should NEVER train the same body part more than one time per week.

This is 100% FALSE.

Especially if you're trying to transform a specific trouble spot area like your chest, back, arms, shoulders, or legs. The REAL truth? High frequency training performed and programmed properly will deliver your FASTEST results ever!

TWICE as fast as trendy low frequency training.

Just look at the shoulders on a boxer – the thighs of a cyclist – or the back and traps on a swimmer. Each of these athletes have disproportional development in these areas simply because they subjected these body parts to more frequent bouts of exercise stimulus

By increasing the number of times week that you train your body's most stubborn body parts you'll see vast improvement in terms of size, shape and density - in the record time.

This method is one of the LEAST understood, yet most effective, methods you can use for blasting through a plateau and transforming your trouble spots. It's all part of my brand new Trouble Spot Training System and you can learn exactly how to use it on your body on the next page....

Listen: In today's day and age of information overload and hyped up muscle building marketing, I'm sure you've heard it all. I'm not here to B.S. you with another "me too" meathead approach to gaining mass or building muscle.

I'm sure you're smart enough to know by now that fitness magazines and bodybuilding websites just regurgitate the SAME ole' muscle building techniques that were taught "back in the day".

And truth be told, almost every single one of these recommendations are coming from bodybuilders and athletes who take steroids or use other performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). If you're still buying into this dinosaur advice and drinking the muscle building Kool-Aid, then the Trouble Spot Training System is definitely not for you.

Don't bother wasting your time.

However, if you'd like to discover a REAL solution to targeting and gaining muscle in your weakest and smallest body parts, just click the "Next Page"

You'll discover a unique system, that's guaranteed to transform stubborn body parts and smash through plateaus in the fastest time possible – no matter what your age, gender, or condition.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

This Popular Workout Could Be KILLING you

Did you know that some of the world's most popular exercise methods like Yoga, P90X and Cross fit do very little to transform your stubborn body parts?

In fact, there is pretty clear evidence these 3 popular methods may be making you look thicker and fatter – NOT better.

And in many cases, they can cause your body more harm than good.

One could actually kill you by causing "exertional rhabdomyolsis", which has been documented to cause acute renal failure and even death in some cases.

I know it may sound a tad bit crazy, but inside today's brand new article from my great friend, Bruce Krahn (Trouble Spot Training Expert), you'll see why it's 100% true:

 WARNING: This Popular Workout Could Be KILLING You (avoid

WORKOUT #1 - Yoga

Although trendy methods like yoga are great for enhancing flexibility, it's NOT the answer to transforming pesky trouble spots like the back of your arms, your lower stubborn belly fat, or even the back of your legs!

The reason is simple: yoga is not effective for toning or developing targeted muscle – period.

In order to target and transform specific body parts you need to incorporate proven methods that are designed to isolate and stimulate your problem areas for two primary reasons:

1) Increased Blood Flow and 2) Muscular Tension

This is something that yoga simply cannot and will not do.

WORKOUT #2 - P90X and Insanity

Despite what the infomercials are telling you, trendy workouts like P90X and Insanity are only good for whole body weight loss, but will do very little for targeting specific body parts that need more attention.

In addition, for many people these types of crazy high impact workouts can lead to some very serious muscle and joint injuries, causing you to quit exercising altogether, which typically results in you gaining all the weight back.

However, there is a much smarter (and safer) way to specifically target and transform your problem areas. It’s a simple 3 step solution......

WORKOUT #3 - Crossfit

Crossfit workouts will obviously help you lose some weight, but they come with a clear and present DANGER. First of all, they put a tremendous amount of stress on your joints, ligaments and even your life.

The types of exercises used in a typical Crossfit workout were never intended to be performed in an all out, ballistic fashion.

Not to mention the other problem with Crossfit workouts. They can actually cause serious muscle loss if you're not careful. Especially when combined with a "paleo" style low carb diet.

That's right: this type of training and nutrition can leave you looking WORSE not better!

But wait! There's more. The stress caused during a hardcore Crossfit workout can also result in a condition known as "exertional rhabdomyolysis" causing acute renal failure and death in some cases.

In order to safely transform your trouble spot body parts you must know the correct foods and specific exercise methods that will work best for triggering a change in how your problem areas look.

It’s the world’s very first proven method for targeting specific problem areas on your body – WITHOUT extreme workout and nutrition methods.

You can discover what these foods and exercises are, without the risks associated with these extreme workouts
read on